Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentine's Day Update

First of all I want to say that I hope everyone had plans for today, to spend it with someone special. Unlike Groundhog Day, I kind of like the concept of a day dedicated to people who are in love. I won't even point out that the pressure of this day tends to break up a lot of couples.

Oh well.

I have been organizing files and such on my computer all day and haven't had much time to do anything else. I suppose that I was in the spring cleaning mood. I keep feeling like I am accomplishing something when it is in fact quetionable. The work is not finished but it is a lot better than it was. My patience will wear thin soon. I need to get rolling with this writing career or move on with life. I don't suspect I will ever stop writing it just may be that I stop writing with the intention of publishing. Back when I was just writing I had more fun with the creative part of the experience. Since I have started working in a more professional way, my productivity had increased but what I write about has also changed.

My favorite subjects is still the Wolves. I am basicially finished telling the story of the Wolf Pack, I think. I know I could go into a lot more detail on the backgrounds of other characters or even take a stab writing something about the times before Rotor and Ela'na

In the course of cleaning out the unnecessary files I determined that I seem to have accumulated a lot of files some in multiple versions from all the upgrades that I did to my computers in the past. Also from the last time that I repaired my best friend's computer I still have an image file of her hard drive. I guess I didn't delete that just in case something went wrong with her computer again. The one that is not working now is a newer one.

I have to attend a meeting tomorrow in the vicinity of Miami. It will likely as not take me a good three and a half hours to get there considering traffic. I may stay overnight there. If so I will miss posting to the blog. I am a nerd but I don't carry a laptop with me.

I don't enjoy business meetings. It is a necessary evil, I know but I don't have to enjoy them. Usually the regional manager feeds up pretty well. No complaints there.

I continue to read edit and revise Book 1. It is going very well I suppose. I am progressing very slowly with it so as to find all the mistakes. There have been very few really. Several typos and a few grammatical errors. I have clarified a couple of things and reworked a few sentences to make them more readable.

I need to get some rest. I have to get up around 4 AM.



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