Thursday, March 30, 2006

V For Vendetta Review

Okay, at my son's behest I went to see the movie. Based on what he had already told me - that did not spoil the experience at all - I knew I would appreciate the movie. Since my son told me that we would be going to see it this week, I had actually been looking forward to it.

You have to go into the movie with a very open mind. It will challenge your beliefs on many levels. It is not a bad thing. It is art. Since when have movies been lambasted for being art?

Yeah, yeah I heard all the first day criticism about the movie glorifying terrorism. If any of those critics payed attention or even stayed for the ending of the movie it was pretty clear to me that short of glorifying terrorism it was more about the people having a voice that needed to come forth to express their desires. That is not a liberal idea or an conservative idea. It is not even an American idea. It is a human idea!

I fully understand the confusion and even the dissing of this movie. However as a cinematic experience it is a damned entertaining film. I found some elements of the Matrix but it was also a very different vision of the world. It is like 1984 but turned on its head.

Natalie Portman shows some acting skills. She displayed them at times during Star Wars but they were well hidden. This is more of the Natalie Portman that was in Closer, a film that proves despite the quality of the actors a bad script can destroy a movie to the point that neither a director or the actors can resurrect it.

If you want to skip this one at the theater, that is fine. The sound is 'dts' and it is very good in the big screen environment but if you have a great DVD system and a 7.1 surround sound experience available, then waiting for the DVD is a viable option.

In sum, this is a thought provoking adventure cast in the often explored post modern landscape. It is not for the weak of mind, as this will challenge many strongly held beliefs. It also presents a few great and memorable quips regarding the power of writers and the power of the word.

I like it. I do not like scales and such but if I had to rate this on 1 to 10, it is a solid 7.



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