Saturday, October 15, 2005

Premature Recollection

Yes, it is another Elgonism. Just like Productive Procrastination, the source of the inspiration was one of my children, this time Sarah.

She called me yesterday. It was raining and she wanted a ride from school for herself and her friend. As I have been on vacation all week (meaning that I have been doing some power edits to my books since I have the time) I was available.

On the way home from school Sarah told me that she had completely forgotten that she had an after school meeting (scheduled for yesterday). But in the very next breath she said, I remembered it yesterday, though it is just that I forgot about it today.

A Premature Recollection then is whenever you remember something a day or two in advance of when you really need to then subsequently forget about it when you really needed to remember.

I love my kids. They make me laugh.



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