Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Random Progress Report

Not that I mind your asking or even getting a few extra emails that I really want to read - as opposed to viagra offers. 'come view my webcam' invites and phishing emails. I know I am not posting as regularly as I used to and it has nothing to do with my health of late. Thos of you who know me well get emails from me from time to time anyway. So you know. I am touched by the other well-wishers.

Yes, I know you want another book to read. I want to finish one just as much as you want to read it. But if it is not right...I'm getting to that. Okay, this is what I am up to.

Between working my day job and revising (yet again) what I decided a while back to call the Wolfcat Chronicles, I have been helping my daughter Amanda in her quest for the perfect college. She loves Flagler College, a small liberal arts institution in St. Augustine, FL. We went there yet again last weekend. If you page back to February '05 you can seen a few pix of historic St. Augustine, the Flagler campus and the 500 year old fortress; these were taken from the first time I had been to St. Augustine. I love the city. It is one of those unique places in the world made special because of the mix of people that live there, the people that have lived there (ghosts) and those that congregate there just to visit or to observe.

I like St. Augustine a lot; it is one of my favorite places.

Anyway to the books. I am around page 100 in book 2 of the second series of the Wolfcat Chronicles - if that makes sense. Okay, okay, here it is I am on page 100 of the fourth book of the whole shebang (yes, I actually used that word, probably for the first and hopefully last time - and you saw it here).

The revision is progressing well. I am finding only a few outright mistakes and enough typos to make the effort as rewarding as a scavenger hunt but moreover I am finding places that I can restructure sentenses to enhance the clarity of the message as well and make the presentation flow a little more smoothly. I am pleased with how it goes, so far.

Last week I spoke with Ela'na (the real person not the character).

***Note Ela'na is not the name of any person living or dead and is used here as a stage name to conceal the identity of a real person that I admire but also respect far too much to ever use her real name here or in fiction***

She is traveling with a touring company and when I called her she was in the mountains of Montana of all places. Imagine that they have cell phone service even there. I would have bet hat they didn;t even have electricity yet except that I have been to Montana. Even though there is a whole lot of nothing in Montana, it is probably one of the prettier places in the world to wake up.

Ela'na checks the blog from time to time so everyone say hello..not at once there is bandwidth convention...

I have been promising my best friend in the world her book for so long that she is probably tired of waiting for it. I started writing the first book about the Wolf Pack in May of 2000. Over five years later I am still working on the story, just getting it right. She understands that; she really does. She doesn';t want to read it until it is something that I consider finished. But she thinks as many of you do that I am being way too picky and that I should just send it as is to the editors and be done with it, move on and finish that book I promised that is semi-autobiographical (like everything I write is not).

I told Ela'na that I want to make this my best effort as she deserves nothing less in tribute to the inspiration she had been for me.

Well, before we start getting sappy here, (paraphrasing Robert Frost) I have pages to read before I sleep and pages to read before I sleep.



At 12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former radio reporter found guilty of child sex abuse
A former local radio reporter has been found guilty of child sex abuse. Chris Lehman will be sentenced next month, and he could face at least ten years in prison.

Just out blog surfing. Interesting perspective, thanks for the words of wisdom!

See ya

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