Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The Order of Posts

I fully understand the concept of displaying the most recent post however anyone wanting to read installments of a literary piece has to scroll back in order to get the next most recent post.

That is something I do not like about this format. I hope all that enter here understand the limitations of the blog format for dealing with serialized content. You may be reading later installments.

Having said that I love the direct intimacy. Near real time communication with the reader is almost like a gift from God to a writer. In theory you could interact with a willing writer to create a book that you or someone like you would like to read. I am not sure how that will ever work out. However the world tends to adapt and incorporate new technologies for communicating.

Should anyone wish to have a serialized post (a multiple post in the blog) emailed to them directly contact me. This offer excludes copyrighted material and/or anything that is in the process of being published. The legal reason is that there are other entities, peoples and corporations involved. As far as I am concerned I write only expecting to be read. That is not a profitable objective but it is something I can personally live with.



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