Sunday, January 30, 2005


Despite politics, whether or not you support what we did a couple of years ago, I have to say that the events of this day moved me in a deep and personal way. The Iraqi people have to be the bravest people in the world today. Threatened as they were and marked with their fingers dipped in indelible ink they voted for the first time in fifty years. The turn out was at least as good as the largest turn out in America in years, the most recent election.

I voted back in November but I do not remember anyone blowing up a car near my polling station or otherwise threatening me. In fact outside the polling station I was engaged in a discussion about the choice of Bush verses Kerry, which might not have been appropriate that close to a polling place yet it was tolerated. No one threatened me. I have to tell you that if I risked life to go vote I might have thought a lot about it. I am in awe of what happened in Iraq today. Democracy is a difficult force to suppress. Free choice was the essence that was once contained within Pandora's Box. Liberty is irrepressible.



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