Friday, January 28, 2005

Friday Night

I just got home and I am really pretty tired. I had a lot of tweaking and fixing to do at the store as a follow up from yesterday's RM visit. This is to be a short blog just because I need to get some rest.

I am still working on the second and third installment of 'The Curse'. Expect those sometime next week. I have been busy with other things this week. Even if I have written a lot, I haven't done anything that I would consider creative. I have also been in a rancid mood, but that is beginning to improve.

I haven't been IM'ing with people that I know or chatting in general. Sometimes talking to someone even if it is online helps to improve my outllook. My kids cheer me up but when I get home after they are already in bed, which has happened a lot lately, talking to them is out of the question. I talk to the girls every morning as I am taking them to school. My son usually calls me at some point during the day.

Considering all that they have been through and how off the wall I can be at times, my kids are amazingly well adjusted, almost normal.

I have not spoken all that much with my publisher either. We used to chat a lot and not necessarily about the books. The last time I traded IM's with him he was in a bad mood. Maybe that put me on the edge or maybe I was already there and it is my fault that a bad mood infected him. Who knows? He is frustrated that things are not happening a quickly as they should or need to.

It is hard convincing people to read a book let along pay good money for it. I know that. Friends feel obligated to read the book and depending on the relationship, may not be a good source for critical feedback. The alternative sort of friend expects a promotional copy. I am fortunate that the few freinds that I have are the best that I could possibly have and they have all been very supportive.

I figure that somewhere there is someone that still remembers how difficult and lonely it was to be poor and obscure. I am looking for the one break, a chance meeting that is neither chance nor a meeting, but instead a scheduled encounter. There are no accidents so never reside faith in life to chance.

I have plans to attend a book signing in the area early next month. I want to introduce myself to the best selling author. I figure I have all of about twenty seconds. The signing is about an hour's drive from here but if it opens a door it is well worth the effort and expense.

Wish me luck.

I have no doubts that through perseverence I will press past the failures that are only the interim goals on the way to succeed. It is not a matter of time so much as a matter of timing. Anyway, I have obligations. I have promised three people that once I become famous I will help them achieve their aspirations or at least secure for them the opportunity.

I know me and what it is that drives me. I would never promote myself for my own sake. I will do it because it will benefit others that I care about. That is the way I am.



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