Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Another Day

The routine is as follows:

Wake-up around 5AM, turn on the rerun of the previous day's Cavuto on Fox News Channel, a watch it while trying to adjust to the coming of another day.

At 6AM, I have to wake-up my two daughters so that they can get ready for school. I watch Fox & Friends while my daughters get ready for school. Sometimes Amanda rides her bike to school. Sarah usually accepts a ride from me. As we live a little less than 2 miles from the school, the school district offers no bus service.

At 7AM, I have to drive either one or both daughters to school, depending on whether Amandas rides her bike. Sometimes I transport her and her bike to school just so that she has a way home. She participates in after school programs with the theater and is sometimes at school very late. Sarah usually walks home from school of if I am scheduled off for the day, as I was yesterday I pick her up at school. If it is raining she gets a ride home with a friend or sometimes my son Rob is home and can pick her up.

I return home from the school around 7:20AM. Sometimes I am a few minutes later, if I stop to get something from the convenience store.

I usually turn on my computer around 7:30AM and then I write for a an hour or so. Usually it is journal stuff. I have substituted the blog for that time and this morning I started early. Then depending on my work schedule, I either shower, get dressed and go to work for a 10-8 shift or I take a power nap, wake-up around 10:30AM, shower get dressed and go in to work for a 12-Closing shift.

Very seldom do I open but if I do I have to get up at 6AM, to get to work by 7AM. On those days or days when I am out of town at meetings, Rob drives his sisters to school, if need be.

The system generally works.

When Jina comes to visit she takes on the responsibility for driving the girls to school. She is seldom home though and generally whenever she is here I am not. That is not entirely by design but more a harsh reality required by our individual schedules.

Re: Jina

I do not wish to turn this blog into an extended rant or enumerate all the negative aspects of my private life. In the interest of keeping this blog focused on the books I am probably not going to say much about Jina. From time to time I may mention her name so you should know who she is.

She is a very pretty Korean lady and the mother of my children. She has issues that have, over the years, conflicted with my issues. Issues is a euphemism for problems. My parents had problems but stayed together. Jina and I have issues and we generally stay apart. Issues sounds much better than problems for some reason. It should come as no surprise that one of those issues was money and another was the amount of time that I spend sitting at a computer, writing. Over the years we grew further apart and less compatible. There is more than enough blame to cover the both of us.

I still love her. She is the one that I married. It is just that we cannot be around one another for very long without irritating the crap out of each another. So that is about all I will say regarding the relationship that defines much of the past 20 years.



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