Monday, January 10, 2005

The Condition

I have given a lot of thought lately to the human condition. It all started when a reviewer said that at least some of what I have written pertains to the human condition. Of course, I set out to determine exactly what that means as I never consciously intended to write anything like that.

After two years of diligently searching almost every other week for thirty minutes in my spare time and right before bed while I was otherwise distracted, I have determined to the best of my research and ability that I have no idea what the reviewer meant by ‘human condition’.
I thought that I was writing about real events and some very meaningful things that happened to somewhat unreal people that populate my all too often surreal perception of the world and my bit role in it. If that is commentary on the human condition then so be it. I was seeking only to establish some common ground with the reader. Either the world is nuts or it is the way I perceive things that is to blame for the crazy ironies that I notice. I try to write about what I know. I know about what I have lived.

On the way to discovering that probably no one truly understands what the human condition is or even should be - else someone might rightly fix it - I determined that people are born missing a necessary label that should serve as a sort of personal disclaimer. I think it should read, ‘I am not as stupid as you think I am.’

I think if each of us had that sort of obvious reminder mounted in some prominent place, say tattooed on the forehead, that a great many of the problems people have with one another would be alleviated. At least every morning as we stand before the mirror image of our rude reality, as we brush our teeth and/or shave, we would ne reminded and then we would know.

Of course an alternate label could just as well read, ‘I am not as smart as you think I am.’ We are always living up to someone else’s expectations or aspiring to our own lofty and sometimes unrealistic goals?

Either label works for me. I am neither smart nor stupid. I am however somewhere between the extremes, in the middle but please do not call me average. Average is something that I have rebelled against and will always refuse to be.

Being in the middle and being mediocre are not the same either so let’s not even go there.

I will take up the proposal of re-labeling with management as the ‘Hello I’m me, hold me and love me’ labels that are standard issue for babies just aren’t working anymore. They are never replaced by any other label until the ‘please kick me here label’ is applied over each of our asses when we are thrust into the world at age 18.


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